Monday, August 27, 2007

Near the End of Another Project

The anchor project will end either tomorrow, if the inspector can be scheduled for Wednesday morning versus the afternoon, or Thursday. (Afternoon means they can't quite finish it, as there are some things that must be done after the inspector leaves.)

The 1st photo shows the little storage area under the main bedroom: they've bolstered that. The 2nd photo shows under the house. It's a hot day today, but it's strangely cool down there. No wonder they're playing hippity hop music from south of the border: it's cool enough for dancing.

This hopefully will be my last project on this house. This job cost just as much as the bathroom addition last year. Unbelievable, eh?

Thursday my friend Dawn and I will go to Payless to select some plants, mostly annuals (?), to plant in the new flower beds. Then, next year, we'll do something a little more permanent.

We hope to have the plants in before Val returns. Should be really a pretty entrance by the time it's all finished!

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