Thursday, August 30, 2007

Linda in a way you've never seen her before: Down in the Dirt

The day started off early, as usual over the last two weeks. I get up at 7. I'm retired!! Don't they know that??!

But the construction guys never came. So I drove off at 8:20 am, drove past an accident (watching a woman nearly coast her car into mine because she was watching the accident -- I hate that!), went to the Lakeshore post office to mail a damn eBay poster, and then to Dawn's house. Belle forgets who I am, barks, and then acts embarrassed when the door opens. Oh, you! You practically live here!

We went for our walk around Lake Merritt, discussing the vagaries of our lives. Career decisions. Home decisions. The Stuff that is life.

Then, after 3.3 miles, and dripping with sweat as the temperature in Oakland rises steadily, we drove off to Long's (aka Payless), and looked at flowers. Well, Dawn looked at flowers. I followed along, thinking secretly that they all look alike.

I warned her that we don't have any tools, so we bought two trowels, a big and a small one. And one big plant and several little plants. I've forgotten what they are. The tags described them as sun-something, mums. Dawn said they weren't mums. Val will know.

We didn't buy enough for the two big beds, whose soil was put in by the construction crew just days ago. I had described the soil as "wood-chippie," which didn't sound appetizing to Dawn, but when she got here, she said it was great. And when we started digging holes with our trowels, the soil parted like the Red Sea. It was pliable and soft, a dream for a gardener who doesn't want to stay out there in the sun too long.

While we were doing that, Ernie came by in the truck, and took a final check from me. Actually, I'm not sure if they're done below. I think so. I forgot to ask! It seemed more important to ask about the heat duct system.

He brought in a ladder and took a look through the attic hole, saying at once how hot it was up there. He took my flashlight and looked all around, and immediately spotted two or three connections that weren't being made (the heating duct to the furnace). So, problem is diagnosed!

We'll coordinate next week on a cool morning for the crew to come out here and get that done. A couple of hours, he said. Is it free? I don't sounded free. But year-long problem will be solved BEFORE winter gets here!!

In the meantime, about one-third of the flower beds are done. We decided to concentrate on the strip next to the sidewalk. And when I find one, I'll put in a stepping stone so that we don't have to leap over the sprouts.

We hooked up the new fertilizer spread nozzle to the hose and watered the plants after they were finally in. I am supposed to do this every seven days. I think I can handle that.

In the meantime, the front yard is shaping up quite nicely, thanks to Dawn's labor and Val's input.

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