Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cooling Off in the Hot Prospect of More Construction

I'm drinking some cold water all evening. It is bloody hot here. George and I went to the A's game today. We had these great seats right by the A's bullpen, but it was too hot to sit there for more than an inning. In fact, while we were there, a couple sat right in front of us (and I'm thinking, there goes my view!), when they rose up quickly because of the heat on the seats, no doubt, and left immediately. We joined them soon after, heading for the shade up under the overhang. Wimps we are.

So I returned home to a voicemail from Ernie, the foreman for Martinez Construction. They're not finished. The holes and anchoring system passed inspection this morning, but there's still some work to be done to finish. Well, gee, I could've guessed that. When Ernie visited this morning to pick up the check, he checked all the smoke detectors inside the house (because ALL inspectors look at that before they okay the final inspection), and then he snuck a look at the foundation stuff. I could hear him talking to himself -- loudly. And then I heard his muffled cell phone call. I could tell that all was not perfect in construction-land.

So they're coming back tomorrow to do some more hammering. I like that about Ernie. I mean, they had already passed the inspection. But the wooden structure wasn't put up well enough. So he makes it right.

And I got a survey from Martinez Construction in the mail today! Before they finished! Which leads me to think....hmmm...there is one problem with the job they did last March...

So I'm thinking of asking Ernie to give me an estimate on fixing the heat duct (which they re-installed around the remodel last year), because I'm not getting any heat in the winter-time in the master bedroom. We froze all last winter.

They finished the job in March, and I turned on the heat in November. Which means that, eight months later, after the construction, I had a problem. I thought it was too late to call them.

So....I figure....if I'm lucky and ethical considerations come into play, maybe he'll offer to do it for free...?

Gosh, just the idea of heat flowing into the master bedroom on these nights makes me cringe. I need more water.

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