Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shame on the Media!

I just watched the one-minute recap of the game by mlb.com....and they never ONCE mentioned the name of the A's pitcher! ANY of the A's pitchers! They recounted several Boston Red Sox players, especially the Japanese ones. How absolutely EastCoast favorable!! Oh, and the one player they did name on the A's they mispronounced? Jack HanRAhan???

The entire broadcast was like that. Constantly talking up the Red Sox ("and that's why they're the World Champions!"), mispronouncing A's player names, if they even try to mention them at all. I mostly listened to Ken Korach and Vince Cotroneo, who know how to call a game fairly.

My strategy for tonight's 3 am game: I'm going to wake up at 6 am and watch the DVR'd version. I have to be somewhere at 8 am.

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