I went to the Montclair Farmers Market this morning, one to collect my mail, and two, to find where the Hillites are. They were supposed to have a table there, but Simone didn't tell me when.
No sign of them, but I was there at 8:30 am, and they may have shown up later. I went to the corner (in front of the WaMu bank) where there's usually a political table, and there was....for Obama. Clever of them to get there so early as the first people jog over to the market.
But I had to get to Jack London Square to be there by 10 am for the gathering. The rally. Probably more like a small table.
I walked up and down as the various people put up their tables and put out their wares. At 10:20, I gave up, went over and bought some potatoes and onions, and sampled the popcorn.
Judging by the fact that the BART rally posted on the hillaryclinton.com website had the wrong date on it, that nobody showed up at either place, I'm gonna make the judgment that the campaign has some serious organizational issues. Well, just this little segment of Oakland.
I can't wait until Super Tuesday. I just wish I could've been more of a part of it.
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